Ghabiba Weston is a South African novelist and poet. She writes middle grade, young adult, and adult fiction. Ghabiba studied engineering, medicine, law, and biology and has a PhD in Neuroscience from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. She is a co-host and producer at STORYBEAST, a podcast about all things story (and snacks). You can find her on Instagram @ghabibaweston where she shares more about storytelling and poetry.

Random facts:

  • My name is Arabic for Beloved. 
  • I was born in South Africa. My Cape-Malay* parents imparted their love of culture, food, and family ties, all of which weave their way into my stories.
  • I studied karate for years and love writing fast paced fight scenes.
  • Some of my favourite books, in no particular order, are: Rebecca, The Daevabad Trilogy, The Blackthorn Key series, The Vegetarian, The Six of Crows duology, The Nevermoor series and everything ever written by Alix E. Harrow, Tae Keller, Sabaa Tahir, and Kelly Andrew
  • Some of my favourite shows: Arcane, Avatar: The Last Airbender, everything by Studio Ghibli, The End of the F***ing World, Stranger Things, Grey's Anatomy, Gossip Girl 
  • I love dogs and have a pup named Zuko.

*Malaysians brought to South Africa as slaves by the Dutch.